Ô Legal notice

Publishing :

Director of publication: Joy GRIMAL

E-mail address: info@orouge.fr

Legal information :

Contact details: SARL CASTEL DDP – OROUGE. SIRET NO.: 408 728 608 000 30. Established at Rue de Lavaux, GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN (221220).

The orouge.fr website is hosted by OVH SAS with capital of €500 k RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00011 Code APE 6202A – N° TVA : FR 22-424-761-419-00011 Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France.

Design by :

Business Web Agence (BWA) – SARL, headquartered at: 13 rue Marguerite Yourcenar 21 000 Dijon Email address: contact@bwagence.fr – Tel: 09 72 422 422

Legislation :

Copyright and intellectual property According to the law of March 11, 1957 (art.41) and the intellectual property code of July 1, 1992, the orouge.fr website (texts, graphic elements, photographs, etc.) constitutes a work protected in France by the Intellectual Property Code, and abroad by international conventions in force on copyright.

Personal data:

Pursuant to the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, Internet users have the right to oppose (art. 26 of the Act), access (art. 34 to 38 of the Act) and rectify their personal data. To exercise this right, please contact: info@orouge.fr

Information :

The presence of hypertext links to other websites does not engage the responsibility of OROUGE. These links are provided for information purposes only.

After contacting the establishment’s customer service and failing to receive a satisfactory response within one month, the customer may contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator. The mediator’s contact information and procedures for filing a complaint are available on their website: www. mtv.travel

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